Hereditary, filme de terror que estrena hoy en Puerto Rico, ha inspirado algunas de las reacciones más interesantes para un estreno reciente. Lee nuestra reseña AQUÍ.
La película, considerada por algunos como la mejor de su género en años, ha impactado audiencias alrededor del mundo con visuales aterradores y una historia que solo se pone más descabellada con el pasar de los minutos.
Hereditary (2018)
— spencer claus (@spxncxrx) June 28, 2018
Hereditary is so well done I won’t sleep right for a week.
— Jeremy Sisto (@JeremySisto) June 12, 2018
alex wolff’s face during That scene in hereditary… he deserves an oscar
— paige ♍️ (@paigejclare) June 12, 2018
i saw Hereditary again tonight and oh my god there was a great scare i didn’t even NOTICE the 1st time. can’t wait to throw a tantrum when it loses the cinematography oscar to like, Gravity 2 or whatever. (please don’t do that thing where u openly spoil the movie in the replies)
— demi adejuyigbe (@electrolemon) June 13, 2018
Just finished watching hereditary
— hoeziel (@commegaygarcon) June 12, 2018
Hereditary has done something to me and I don't know how to fix it.
— Rachel Weber (@therachelweber) June 8, 2018
La historia de la película sigue a los Graham, una familia que empieza a descomponerse luego tras la muerte de su solitaria y misteriosa abuela. Aún después de su muerte, la matriarca continúa arrojando una sombra sobre su familia, en especial sobre su nieta adolescente, Charlie, con quien siempre tuvo una inusual fascinación. Mientras un terror abrumador se apodera de su hogar, su estilo de vida pacífico es desgarrado, forzando a su madre a explorar un terreno más oscuro para escapar la terrible fortuna que han heredado.
Relacionado: Nuevo trailer para filme de terror Hereditary
Toni Collette, quien fue nominada al Oscar en el año 2000 por su actuación en la cinta de suspenso, The Sixth Sense, ha generado alboroto por su impresionante trabajo en la película desde su estreno en el Festival de Sundance el pasado mes de enero.
Gabriel Byrne (End of Days), Ann Dowd (The Handmaid’s Tale), Alex Wolff (Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle) y Milly Shapiro componen el resto del elenco principal de la película, escrita y dirigida por Ari Aster.
I haven’t slept in 3 nights because I keep seeing that bitch from hereditary in my ceiling
— hermosa (@ghostfaceshelby) June 27, 2018
I just saw the BEST horror movie many years. HEREDITARY. I'm still shaken, stunned. Simply brilliant.
— Joko Anwar (@jokoanwar) June 25, 2018
Hereditary (2018)
— Tres Waluya (@treswaluya) June 27, 2018
#HEREDITARY made The Conjuring look like a Saturday morning cartoon. I need a priest.
— Kurt Kurman (@realKurtKurman) June 8, 2018
OK so I’m never watching a horror movie again. Genuinely slept with my light on and had the worst night sleep #wimp #Hereditary
— Anna Smith-James (@AnnaTheApple88) June 28, 2018
Hereditary ruined me. They all better win something.
— Elizabeth Gillies (@LizGillies) June 26, 2018
Hereditary is the scariest movie I've ever seen.
I wanted to cry. I wanted to vomit. I felt terror and shock the likes of which I've only felt in times of real and legitimate crisis. My body was on fight or flight mode.
The movie is scarier than you can imagine. I promise. 5/5
— NateIsLame (@NateIsLame666) June 8, 2018
Now that I’ve had time to think about it, HEREDITARY is the art house horror movie equivalent of watching somebody sadistically kill their Sims.
— James Donner (@jamesadonner) June 8, 2018
#Hereditary is probably one of the most terrifying movies I’d seen. It’s also a movie that made me very uncomfortable and disturbed by the things happening on the screen. The performances by the cast were amazing! Toni Collette is one of the best performances I’ve seen this year
— Jonathan Camacho (@jonnjohnn) June 9, 2018